Friday, January 14, 2011

Ready for baby?

Lately, the question of the day has been "Could we bring her home today?". And yes, of course, we could bring her home any day but what we mean is.... "Are we ready to bring her home today?". Generally, the answer is "Not quite". We're getting close but there a just a couple of items to get still and always more nesting to do...

Baby still moves around a lot, she's been head down for several weeks now and her behind tends to favor my right side. Pre-Thanksgiving when she was still free floating she favored the left side. I absolutely LOVE feeling her move! (Yes, even the sharp kicks to the ribs that take my breath away) The Dr. says my stats are good and baby's heartbeat is perfect = ) Overall I feel great. I don't think I waddle yet, but I can't watch myself walk from behind....

I took a few photos of baby's area to show our progress in getting ready for her...
37 Weeks (Didn't realize my shirt was stretched so much)

Still no room for Daddy and Mommy to rock baby = (

Changing table is mostly ready, need some more wall decor and clearing of a little clutter.

Clothes are ready! Washed and folded into her drawer. We have, however, already had one sock casualty = (

For those inquiring minds.... these are the nails in the wall for her letters. Please keep your guesses to yourself as I refuse to confirm right/wrong answers ; )

Crib is mostly ready, empty other than the beginnings of the 'hospital bag'... and the area is missing decor... but I'm working on it = )
Alright, It's Saturday night and I've just finished a rather generous helping of Moose Tracks ice cream... going to chill and watch a movie.... SO excited to get to sleep in tomorrow, pedicure in the afternoon and a chili cook-off in the evening = )

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