Rhea's got the jumper all figured out now and it adds a whole new level of fun for her.
But we've also seen the beginning of her 'frustrated' side. She knows what her pacifier is and that it goes in her mouth but she's working on how to actually get it in there, tricky stuff ya know. She loves to watch me eat and drink and generally reaches for whatever I have [there's a video on facebook]
Overall, everything is great. It's hot so we've gone out to the sandbar a few times this week. She is such a water baby!
Every new day amazes me how much life is progressing! If I don't just stop and soak in the moments they will fly right by. Rhea is getting so big (not in a bad way, just growing). I peek in at her as she sleeps and I wonder where the teeny baby went ; ) She loves to sit up all by herself and rolls rather gracefully to her tummy when she does tip over. When she stands with us it is evident she is getting stronger all the time, just needs some more work on balance. While standing she has started stepping her right foot (looks like she's at a ho-down). So there is certainly progress towards walking, but she doesn't show too many signs of starting to crawl yet. We're still working on rolling both ways. She still loves the outdoors and especially swimming! We've gone out on the lake a number of times this last week and she is such a little joy to play with in her floaty. She does recognize voices now and turn to follow us. She laughs when we make kissy noises at her. She loves it when Daddy tosses her in the air. She jabbers quite a bit (except when we want her to, of course). She has gotten really good at eating, we do mostly rice cereal right now but I know she'll be into more veggies and fruit soon. I think that's all for her, it's been a while since I've actually typed an update. There are a lot of pictures up on facebook! [I often think I shouldn't put so many up there, but then I just can't help it and I figure others who aren't near really like to see her grow]
Joe is transitioning this week to a day 7/7 shift at Werner!! He'll still be doing the same job, just a different shift. We are super excited!! As for me (Em) I have 2 babies I watch part-time, generally 2 or 3 days a week and am looking to maybe take in another... just praying about the right connection to be able to bless someone [rather than stick an ad up on Craigslist].