Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Little walkin' woman!

I know this stage will only last a very short time but Rhea is totally content to just walk around. She loves to carry things.... shoes, blankie, toys, sippy cup, whatever. Cute to watch. I have traied many times to get a decent walking video but she usually walks over to me and wants to see the viewer on the back of the camera (she knows you can see pics on there) so... I was feeding Mia today and was able to video Rhea just entertaining herself with a burp cloth... silly girl! Can't get enough of her!!

She also signs "more" and "eat" now. I am SO excited! She's known what the signs mean for a few months but she is just now starting to use them. She says Dadda and Momma and variations of those. She likes animal toys and hands them to me so I will make their noise... well somebody help me, what does a giraffe say? Or a kangaroo? Or a turtle? Guess I should more closely monitor which toys are close so I will know that I know the sounds... hehe.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hooray for warm temps!!

It's January and it's`60* out!!!! Yay!! We went to the park to celebrate of course!
Rhea's molars were buggin her this afternoon so she isn't real enthusiastic here, but she totally LOVED being outside, makes me SO anxious for spring!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Walking baby Rhea!!!

Here it is... walking! She's been walking about 5 days now but gets better and better all the time...
Joe was off work today so he was home and we were able to make a joint attempt at getting her to walk for the camera. Isaac is the little guy in the bouncy seat, he's here about 2 days a week.

And she loves to "sing" while bouncing on Daddy's lap (or if we happen to drive down a very bumpy road)